Monday, May 19, 2008

Social Networking

The idea from "Spotted an article" about members supporting each other gained my interest. There are so many questions that can be answered by another library member; just listen in to the conversations whilst people line up at the information desk. I have often had to thank one member for helping another, and me.

Being involved with Reader's Advisory work, I can see that discussion between members of recommending what to read next could be invaluable; and probably give the library ideas on what they have missed buying.

This then could lead onto a marketing opportunity of letting our members and anyone else who joined how interested we are in their suggestions and how quick we are to implement them.

It would be interesting to see how many people would join in. And this could lead to great opportunities for networking. That author who lives locally and would love to come and give a talk and naturally his friends, also authors, would like to give talks as well. Or maybe they would like to give a lecture on writing. Then there is also the poets groups, the writers groups, the artists groups etc. all wanting to participate with the library in some way.

As they say, just one ripple is all it takes ..........

1 comment:

pls@slnsw said...

Congratulations, you have completed Learning 2.o, sharing some inteesrsting thoughts along the way. Looks like you're thinking about applications already...goodluck.
