Thursday, March 27, 2008

Incredible re-binding of books, masks, and small sculptures by Catalyst Studios.
This is an example of using old book covers for making different types of craft. I saw a fabulous display whilst at Melbourne Markets after the Library Technician's Conference.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

box kite sculpture / info kiosk

box kite sculpture / info kiosk, originally uploaded by themystic.

What a temptation - the book. It can stop us doing all sorts of things - housework, worrying, exercise - anything!


This is a test post from flickr, a fancy photo sharing thing.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Readers' Advisory

Readers' Advisory is my passion at the moment, so I can see a blog working very well for this purpose. The following are some ideas:

Genre Lists
Author Talks
Vodcasts from popular author events
Staff Reviews
Borrower Reviews
Online Book Chat

I think it is great that individual staff members will be able to put up their suggestions for additions to the blog without the poor systems librarian having to do all the work.

This is the reason I want to learn more and more about Web 2.0, to be able to make suggestions that don't create so much work for other people, to make me more self reliant.

Libraries, the future and Web 2.0

Public libraries need to be perceived as a community space, which is comfortable and friendly when you visit physically; and a website that is easy to navigate, intuitive and interactive when you visit remotely.

Our patrons, members, clients, customers, contacts, friends (whatever you want to call them) vary so widely that it is impossible to be all things to all people all the time. Libraries need to think of who their audience is for a particular product (product being: event, blog, items for loan). More surveys need to be carried out to find out what particular groups want, we need to implement as much is feasible and then evaluate, evaluate, evaluate. No point having something that takes hours of work for one or two people's enjoyment.

Projects need to have well worked out objectives that the staff agree on. What one person thinks is a fabulous response is another person's disappointment. Quite demoralising when you are all excited about how well your project is going when someone else comments, "Wow you must be really disappointed."